Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Information Overload

It's amazing to see how many things we have connected to our bodies that allow us to be "accessible." Cell phones, pagers, wireless internet, etc... Then add all the other electronic devices we carry -- IPODs, GPS, XM Sirius Satellite Radio, laptops, etc.

I was riding in a car with a friend the other day. She was getting so frustrated because she had no more 12v plugs in her car to plug up her "stuff." She had a radar detector, satellite radio, ipod, GPS, all plugged into her car. I couldn't help but laugh.

I think it's good if we sometimes just SLOW DOWN and enjoy the things around us. It's almost like we've developed a bubble -- a virtual world that we live in. Old fashioned face-to-face communication is almost a thing of the past. Don't misunderstand, I enjoy my gadgets just like the next person. I'm just saying we should cherish life from time to time instead of allowing it to zoom on by. When it warms up, spend a quiet evening outside looking at the stars. I guarantee you'll be glad you did!

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