Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday Communion Service

This has been a very memorable day. From morning worship through evening worship, I have learned so much about Jesus Christ. This morning, we welcomed a guest speaker who took us on a journey of Christ's life through Holy Week (the week preceding Christ's death). His portrayal of Peter and Judas allowed me to see myself in their shoes. How often have I betrayed Christ like Judas and many times have I denied my relationship with the Savior like Peter? I'm thankful Jesus forgives us of our sins.

Evening worship was a time of thoughtful reflection upon the sacrificial giving of Jesus. During communion, our pastor painted a figurative picture of Christ's sacrifice as He took our sins to the cross. I am so undeserving of this. In my state of imperfection, I am so undeserving of the gift God has given us through the bodily sacrifice of His Son. Although I am undeserving, I am thankful. I am thankful that God has provided a way for us to be saved from our sins. This thankfulness instills a special love in our heart for God and mankind. This week as we reflect upon Christ's example of sacrificial giving, let us also practice sacrificial giving by loving Him and reaching out to others.

May God be with you!

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